It is fine that we still have good people that pity orphans and render assistance to orphanages. It is much more important if mercy is not limited by occasional actions, and some people take upon themselves responsibilities for the destiny of unfortunate children

In April, the Kazan Division of St. Petersburg Military Artillery University was unusually reinforced: nine boys, all of them children without both parents or social orphans, were sent to be reared at the University. They were picked on a competition, but the point was that in schools and childrens homes they did not look for the best of the best: they looked for the most difficult, problem teenagers.

There was another competition, among the units of the University, and the boys were trusted to the winning battery 41. The new boys stay now in the same barracks with the students, in a separate, thoroughly redecorated bunkroom. Part of the day, as it is appropriate at the age of 13 — 15 years, they study in a general education school, and the rest of the time is dedicated to military training. Sergey Platoon, an instructor from the students is always close by. He is now their tutor, friend and big brother: all at the same time.

It was first kind of difficult, Sergey recalls, every boys personality was not easy, and their childhood had been miserable. However, the boys got accustomed fast to normal human relations, started feeling the team spirit, and stand behind each other solidly. They are happy to study, and bring fours and fives instead of twos and threes ever more often. They passed successfully their annual exams at school and reached much in their marching and combat training.

The boys daily routine is almost as for the adult students, only their physical load is less. They have to get up and to calisthenics for half an hour; after breakfast, they spend an hour for marching drills and studying the Regulations; then they train for one hour and a half at the stadium or gym; before lunch, they do their homework; in the evening, after dinner and one more lesson in general military disciplines, they have some leisure time for watching TV, playing table games or reading. Of course, if they have any energy left.

The boys manage quite well, Lieutenant Colonel Farit Gabdrakhmanov says. Upon advice from psychologists, we gradually bring them closer to military service, but everything has to be in real. The boys are special, life was pushing them hard... There was no life in their eyes when they arrived, and their experience was not for children. They are totally different now! Naturally, we want the boys to defend their Motherland; if they wish, they may enroll into a military university on a no-competition basis. The main thing for them, however, is to become worthy people.

Yevgeny Schepanov, in fact, has a sister only. No father, and his mother was deprived of her parent rights. He is reluctant to recall his orphanage: «What good there was? The boys did not study there at all, and never did any homework. We walked around where we wanted to. Military life is better, one can learn here much. They already let us fire guns! We go to school in military uniforms, everybody envies us, and girls chase us».
Yevgeny neither makes it up nor boasts. He is just proud with his new position and trust of grown-ups.
Within the past month, the boys went to fire drills twice. Not to play war, but to have combat training. They are trusted with military weapons. Naturally, they shoot under strict guidance. However, at the last fire drills, Yevgeny Schepanov learned to charge an artillery gun, and Major General Alexander Borodin assisted him. The General heads the Kazan Division of St. Petersburg Military Artillery University, and he is the biggest friend of the boys.
Photo: Mikhail MEDVEDEV